Human being make new technology is to help and make their life easier. As long as their technology were not crushing with syariah laws, then utilizing this technology was helpful. This opinion came out from Marissa Haque as considering credit card recurring system application for pay zakath.
With this system, donors do not waste their time anymore for paying zakath directly. With this system, a donor can routinely for paying Zakath. In the end of period, the bill must be paid as requirement to applicating this system.
As met while she went to Serang from Tangerang, Marissa admitted that she still take out of Zakath, infaq, shodaqoh directly to needy people every time she got money. ?As donor we often forget and sometimes waiting for minimum limit as one million rupiahs nevertheless we still forget. That is why it directly gives to needy people as 2.5%?. This Ikang Fauzi's wife explained.
Marissa remarked this applied recurring system idea for zakath was brilliant idea and obviously helpful donor. She also supported IT technology application in zakath management. It is the time for technology application to make people easier to do some good activity already.
newsroom/Heny - Tangerang
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BalasHapusSemoga Allah Azza wa Jalla memberkahi...
Salam kasih, Marissa di Balikpapan (Hotel Novotel).
Ah masaaa...